Julie Pâtisserie

Brand Design
There's nothing in the world that can't be solved by a dessert, if not... have two.
Julie Cai
Project Year
Project Link
Designer, Strategist
Teddi Wang
CopyWriter, Strategist
Zoe Lo
Project manager
Design Concept
The core of this brand is Julie’s connections to nature and her devotion to making excellent pastries and desserts. We pick dark green as our primary brand color for it to represent deep into the trees and forest, just like Julie’s name in Mandarin and Japanese. For the secondary color, we use golden yellow to add some vibrancy while maintaining maturity and sophistication. The logo combines Julie’s name in Mandarin, Japanese, and English. They all have a different purpose separately and together as one.


Redesign the Chinese and Japanese characters to give them the vigour of trees and nature.
Bring in elements that are inspired by the plating and decoration of pâtisserie.
Cursive written English name represents the western influence on Julie's pâtisserie

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